
Please help us to help you

  • Make one appointment for each member of your family who needs to be seen.
  • Appointments are ten minutes long. If you need an interpreter or think you have a complicated problem, please ask for a double appointment. You can choose the doctor you’d like to see.
  • Tell us if you can’t attend your appointment. Cancel it on the NHS App. Or ring us on 0113 271 1884. Someone else can then use it.
  • Please ensure you arrive on time to your appointment. If you are more than 10 minutes late for your appointment, you will have missed your appointment and will be asked to rebook.
  • The NHS App is the easiest way to book an appointment
We release a few ‘same day’ appointments at 8am and 1pm each day, but they book up quickly.

If you think your problem is urgent then book using the NHS App or ring reception on 0113 271 1884.

Appointments can be face to face, or over the phone.

We don’t run a walk-in clinic so please don’t come to the surgery expecting to see a doctor unless you’ve booked an appointment.

If you become unwell outside of the practice’s opening hours, please visit NHS 111 online or ring 111. In an emergency ring 999.
Our doctor will ring you as close to your appointment time as they can. They will make 2 attempts.

If they can’t speak to you then your appointment will be cancelled. You will need to re-book your appointment if you still need it.
We also offer ‘routine’ appointments that you can book in advance, for less urgent problems.

Book these using the NHS App , by ringing reception on 0113 271 1884, or in person.

You can also complete an online consultation form about your problem. Include a photo if helpful. We will aim to respond as quickly as possible, and at least within two working days.
We offer these at our partner surgeries in the local area.

Book these on 0113 271 1884, or in person – they can’t currently be booked on the NHS App.
If you are housebound, you can request a home visit by ringing 0113 271 1884.

For same day home visits please ring before 11am.

Routine home visits can be booked in advance.
We also have appointments available with physiotherapists, clinical pharmacists, mental health practitioners, a social prescriber, health and wellbeing coaches, and more. Please ring 0113 271 1884, our reception team can help navigate your care to the most appropriate person.
If you have a dental problem, you’ll need to see your dentist.

The NHS Choices website can help you find an NHS dentist.

For urgent Dental Care ring 111.